Project Description
Client: MDOT
Location: Union, MI
Year Completed: 2016
Reconstruction of the infamous 5 Points intersection. Changed what used to be a very dangerous intersection of 5 roads to a smooth operating round about. Selge demolished the existing intersection, graded, formed, and poured the new round about. Installed all drainage and surrounding utilities. Selge also remediated the site with seeding and landscaping. A few of the specs included:
- 6,555 SY of Pavement Removal
- 17,895 CY of Earth Excavation
- 30,000 SY of Subbase Material
- 17,000 SY of Asphalt Paving
- 5,000 SY of Concrete Pavement
- 2,000 LF of Curb and Gutter
- 9,175 SF of Concrete Sidewalk
- 150,000 LF of Pavement Marking
- 10,000 SY Slope Restoration
- Lighting, Landscaping, and Site Restoration